Announcement for the 2022 Reg Park Artistic incorporating the Manzano Artistic Trophy for Aussie Skate

Dear All

Please find attached the announcement for the 2022 Reg Park Artistic incorporating the Manzano Artistic Trophy for Aussie Skate.

The Reg Park Artistic competition will be held on Sunday 4 September 2022, 4:00pm to 8:00pm.

To enter the Reg Park Artistic competition please use the following link 2022 Reg Park Artistic

If you are available to assist with any task during the competition please fill in the necessary details in the online entry form or if you or your child are not skating please with your availability.

Kind regards

Rebecca Wells
ACT Ice Skating Association Inc

2022 Reg Park Artistic – Announcement

Announcement for the 2022 National Federation Challenge incorporating National Solo Dance Competition and the Gwen Peterson Theatre on Ice Trophy

Dear All

Please find attached the announcement for the 2022 National Federation Challenge incorporating National Solo Dance Competition and the Gwen Peterson Theatre on Ice Trophy.

The National Federation Challenge will be held on Friday 2 & Saturday 3 September 2022.

If you are available to assist with any task during the competition please fill in the necessary details in the online entry form or if you or your child are not skating please with your availability.

Kind regards

Rebecca Wells
ACT Ice Skating Association Inc

2022 National Federation Challenge Announcement